Looking for Christmas scavenger hunt clues to make an awesome treasure hunt for your kids? These are the best clue cards for an epic holiday hunt.
Treasure hunts are such a hit with my kids. They love the excitement of solving and following clues and it leading to a special prize at the end.
Back in the spring, I created an Easter treasure hunt for my kids and they LOVED it so I decided to make these Christmas scavenger hunt clues as a fun holiday activity.
These Christmas scavenger hunt clues are fairly simple so even the youngest kids can play. Each clue leads to an indoor item found in most households such as a clock, shoe, freezer, and more!
Your kids will love this fun, holiday hunt.
This post is all about Christmas scavenger hunt clues.
Christmas Scavenger Hunt Clues
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Supplies for the Christmas Treasure Hunt
- Christmas Scavenger Hunt Clues Printable
- Printer
- Printer Paper (8.5×11)
- Scissors
- Tape
- Christmas Gift/Prize
- Ribbon/Twine (Optional)
First, download and print the free Christmas treasure hunt clues at the bottom of the page. Next, cut out each individual clue.

As you cut out the clues make sure to number them on the back. The order they go is top left, top right, then down continuing to go left to right. The reason numbering is important is because a few of the clues are dependent upon the order.
For example the 2nd clue says “Oh Christmas tree, oh Christmas tree, off to the pantry for clue number” so it only makes sense as the 2nd clue.
Numbering is also helpful so your kids can ensure they are finding the correct card because some of the cards may be in the same room.
After you have numbered all of the clues, set aside the first clue. This one will not be hidden, rather you give this to your kids to start their treasure hunt.

The next step is optional but you can roll up the clue and tie some twine or ribbon around it. If you choose to do this, write the number on the clue AFTER you’ve rolled and tied them so you can know where to hide them.

Scavenger Hunt Setup
To hide the clues, start with the 2nd clue. This clue will be hidden in the riddle’s location of the first clue (your child’s shoe).

Basically, the clue you hide will go in the location from the previous clue. You keep doing this pattern until you get to the last clue. For example, the third clue will go in the location from the second clue, the fourth clue will go in the location from the third clue etc.
The last card says “You’ve followed the clues and now it’s time for your prize. Go look in your closet for your Christmas surprise!” You would then place your child’s Christmas gift or prize in their closet.
The closet makes a great last location because if you have multiple children they can do the Christmas treasure hunt together but then they each can get their own gift/prize.
When you go to hide the Christmas scavenger hunt clues it may be helpful to pull this post up. That way, you can see the order of the clues I’ve listed out below.
Christmas Scavenger Hunt Clues
Page 1

1. Let’s go on a Christmas treasure hunt can you find each of the clues? Your first one is an easy one it’s hidden in someone’s shoes.
- Answer: Child’s Shoe
2. Oh Christmas tree, oh Christmas tree, off to the pantry for clue number.
- Answer: In the Pantry

3. Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way. Oh what fun it is to find a clue right where you lay.
- Answer: Child’s Bed
4. He’s making a list. He’s checking it twice. Your next clue is waiting where you might find ice.
- Answer: Freezer

5. Will it be a white Christmas? We just don’t know. Now off to the spot where dirty laundry should go.
- Answer: Laundry Hamper
6. The Christmas tree is up and the lights are all strung. Now check out the place where the coats are all hung.
- Answer: Coat Closet/Coat Hooks
7. Cooking Christmas meals take a lot of time to make. Find a clue right where this delicious food will bake.
- Answer: Oven
8. Jingle bell, jingle bell jingle bell rock, you’ll find your next clue right by the clock.
- Answer: Clock
Page 2

9. Rudolph’s nose is oh so bright. Turn me on and i’ll give you light.
- Answer: Light Switch
10. Christmas cookies are a delicious treat. Find your next clue where you sit to eat.
- Answer: Table
11. This Christmas hunt is fun, hold on we’re not done yet. It’s time to check the spot where your hands get wet.
- Answer: Bathroom Sink
12. The elves are busy making all the toys for Christmas time. Now off to the thing that holds a quarter, nickel or dime.
- Answer: Piggy Bank
13. Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. The clue your searching for is where guests enter our house
- Answer: Front Door
14. Dashing through the snow, in a one horse open sleigh. The next clue is hidden where you throw your trash away.
- Answer: Garbage Can
15. Santa only comes when everyone is asleep. This next hint is hiding with the thing we use to sweep.
- Answer: Broom
16. By the looks of the calendar Christmas Day is drawing near. I think it’s now time you go look in the mirror.
- Answer: Mirror

Page 3

17. On your door you may find a green, festive wreath. A clue may be found by what cleans your teeth.
- Answer: Toothbrush/Tooth Paste
18. Santa will be coming down the chimney very soon. To find your next clue, I suggest you get a spoon.
- Answer: Silverware Drawer

19. I hope you’ve been good so you aren’t left with coal. The next clue is waiting inside a bowl.
- Answer: Bowl
20. Is it Christmas yet? The time is going slow. The next clue lay where you watch a TV show.
- Answer: Couch
21. Make sure to leave Santa yummy cookies as a snack. And oh it’s that time to check your backpack.
- Answer: Backpack
22. Let’s hope the Grinch doesn’t steal Christmas this year. If you find the remote a clue should be here.
- Answer: Remote
23. All the reindeer loved him as they shouted out with glee. If your looking for a clue in the tub it ought to be.
- Answer: Tub
24. You’ve followed the clues and now it’s time for your prize. Go look in your closet for your Christmas surprise!
- Answer: Closet
Christmas Prize/Gift Ideas
If you are looking for some Christmas Gifts/Prizes to use for this treasure hunt I’ve listed some below. You could also do this hunt to lead to their Christmas presents or stocking on Christmas morning.
- Christmas Book
- Christmas Pajamas
- Fuzzy Socks
- Christmas Movie
- Hot Chocolate Bomb
- Ornament
How to Catch a Reindeer
Christmas Pajamas
Create Your Own Christmas Scavenger Hunt

Do you want to come up with your own Christmas scavenger hunt clues? Maybe you want to create a more challenging hunt or just want more clues to make this one longer.
If you’d like the blank Christmas treasure hunt template to create your own i’ve included it on the last page of the free printable (located at the bottom of the post). Just print off as many copies and write your own clues inside each box.
If you need some additional places for your clues to lead here are a few other great options:
- Sock Drawer
- Bookshelf
- Washing Machine
- Rug
- Stool
- Puzzle
- Vacuum
- Window
- Towel
- Blanket
- Picture Frame
FREE Printable Christmas Treasure Hunt
Here are the free printable Christmas treasure hunt clues! You can either download and print it off now or pin this post for later!

Other Christmas Activities You May Enjoy!
- Letters To Santa – Have your kids write Santa a letter with one of these 5 adorable free templates!
- Christmas Bucket List – Start a Christmas bucket list and make lasting memories this holiday season that you and your kids will remember forever.
- Christmas Would You Rather – This is such a fun Christmas game to play at your holiday family gathering!
- Christmas Scavenger Hunt List – Take a family walk around the neighborhood and see if you can find all of the holiday decorations on this Christmas scavenger hunt.
I hope your kids have a blast doing this Christmas treasure hunt! I’d love to hear about it.
This Post Was All About Christmas Scavenger Hunt Clues
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