Do your kids LOVE writing letters to Santa Claus each Christmas? If so, you definitely want to check out these adorable free printable templates for your child to fill out and send to the North Pole.
Christmas is such a magical time for kids and having three young kids myself, I know just how special writing that letter, or should I say letters, to Santa Claus is. This is why I created and am sharing with you these adorable templates for kids to fill out and send to Santa.
Included in these templates are printable letters to Santa Claus for all ages. For toddlers and young kiddos there is a template for them to color Santa a picture. For older kids who can write, there are adorable printable letter templates with just lines as well as ones with prompts. The prompts to get your kids started on their letter include lines for their name, age, wish list etc.
Your kids will have so much fun filling out these adorable letters to Santa Claus and mailing them to the North Pole.
This post is all about letters to Santa Claus.
Letters To Santa Claus
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Writing a letter to Santa Claus is a magical Christmas tradition kids love. These simple letters get them so excited for Christmas and spark so much joy.
Letter To Santa Drawing
This first letter to Santa template is perfect for toddlers and young kids who cannot write yet. On this template, your young kiddos can still send Santa a letter by drawing a picture and sending it off to the North Pole. You can download and print this free template below.

Letter To Santa With Prompts
There are three printable letters to Santa that include prompts. These are great for kids who are able to write but may need some help with sentences and ideas to get them started.
Template 1
This first prompt template has a spot for your child to include their name and age. It also has two boxes for them to check off whether they have been naughty or nice.
There are 5 lines for your child to write the items on their Christmas wishlist. At the bottom have them sign their name after the word “love”.

Template 2
This second template with prompts is my favorite. Like the previous template, there is a spot for your child to write their name, age, whether they’ve been naughty or nice, and their Christmas wishlist.
However, on this template there is also a spot for the city they live, as well as, a box for them to glue a picture of themselves (this makes an awesome keepsake).

Template 3
On this third letter to Santa Claus template, there are prompts for your child to write their name, age, and whether they have been naughty or nice. At the bottom it asks for something your child wants, something they need, something they can wear, and something they can read.

Blank Letter to Santa Template
The blank letter template is great for older kids who are able to write and know what they want to say to Santa. With this template, there are no prompts so kids can write exactly what they want.
If your child does need a little help you can encourage them to tell Santa who they are (name, age, and town they live in), ask Santa a question, wish him a Merry Christmas, write some nice things they did this past year, and some things they want for Christmas.
Don’t forget to have them sign their name!

Sending Your Letters to Santa Claus
Once your child has finished writing their letter(s) to Santa Claus have them place them in an envelope and mail it to the North Pole. There are a couple ways of doing this.
In our house, we have a special Letters to Santa mailbox like this one that our kids put their letters in. Santa’s helpers then come and pick them up and bring them to Santa who then sends a letter in return.
Letters to Santa Mailbox
You can also check out the USPS website to see their program for sending letters to Santa Claus. Although we haven’t tried this yet, the USPS has an address where you can send your child’s letter (as well as a return letter from Santa) and they will postmark Santa’s return letter from the North Pole and send it back.
Make sure to put a stamp on it before sending it out in the mail.
If you decide to send it through USPS, I highly recommend having your kids send their letters toward the end of November or early December so they can get their return letter before Christmas.
Tips For Writing Letters To Santa Claus
Before starting their letters, I recommend having your kids come up with a Christmas list with their most wanted items. To do this, have them go through catalogs and circle things they want. Then, have them go back a second (or sometimes third) time to narrow these items down.
Once they have their most wanted wishlist then have them start their letter to Santa.
Another helpful tip is to encourage your kids to send their letters early rather than later because Santa is VERY busy. A great time to write these is the beginning-mid December (unless you’re mailing with USPS then I recommend the end of November).
Writing Santa letters at the beginning-mid December is the perfect time I have found. It’s not too early that your kids will change their minds and not too late that it will be hard to get those gifts.
One year I thought I would be on top of things and had my daughter write her letter right after Thanksgiving. Unfortunately, this backfired and left her SO much time to change her mind. She ended up writing a new letter with a completely new wishlist the week of Christmas (major mom fail).
Letters To Santa Bundle

If you loved these letters to Santa Claus and would like to download the complete bundle feel free to do so below! CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THIS FREE PRINTABLE
I hope your kids have so much fun with this magical Christmas tradition. I would love to hear all about their letters to Santa Claus!
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