First day of school traditions are a great way to get kids excited about heading back to school or starting school for the first time.
Are your kids dreading the end of summer or nervous about starting school for the first time? First day of school traditions can help add excitement as the kids head back to school. With three children myself, I know just how much kids love traditions. This is why we started first day of school traditions to make the transition a more exciting time.
These first day of school traditions include a first day of school interview, first day of school outfit, setting goals and more!
After starting these traditions your child will have something to look forward to as summer dwindles and the new school year approaches.
This post is all about first day of school traditions.
First Day of School Traditions
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1. First Day of School Outfit
As the school year draws near take your child on a shopping trip. Let them pick out a few new outfits for the upcoming school year.
Then, on the night before school have them pick out their first day of school outfit. Not only will they enjoy deciding what to wear on the first day, but it will leave one less thing to do in the morning.
Trust me, getting back in the swing of things can take some time and every minute counts when you are racing to get out the door.
First Day of School Shirt
2. Last Day of Summer Celebration
Make your child’s last day of summer one to remember. Take that one last trip to the beach or get some ice cream at your local ice cream shop.
Whatever activity you choose to do make sure to call it an early night. Your kids will need plenty of rest before their first day because that first week back is always an exhausting one.
3. First Day of School Books

This is a great one for younger kids, especially those starting school for the first time. In the weeks leading up to the first day, read some books about school. Most back to school books talk about all the feelings kids may be experiencing about starting school.
Here is a list of some great back to school books.
- Llama Llama Back to School
- We Don’t Eat Our Classmates
- The Crayons Go Back to School
- Splat the Cat: Back to School, Splat!
- The Pigeon HAS to Go to School!
Llama Llama Back to School
We Don’t Eat Our Classmates
Here is a list of some books for kids starting kindergarten
- The Kissing Hand
- Kindergarten, Here I Come
- A Letter From Your Teacher: On the First Day of School
- Stanley the Dog: The First Day of School
- School (First Time)
The Kissing Hand
Kindergarten, Here I Come!
4. Set Goals

Have your kids set some new goals for the school year. Maybe they want to try a new sport, join a club or learn a new skill such as riding their bike or tying their shoes. If they write down their goals they may be more likely to work toward achieving them.
5. First Day of School Interview

This is my favorite of the first day of school traditions. Ask your child questions about their upcoming year or past summer and write down their answers.
Each year on the first day of school ask them the same questions. Keep a copy of their answers and store it with their keepsakes. It will be so cool to see how they’ve changed over the years.
You could also download and print my free first day of school interview (just follow the link to my first day of school interview post and scroll to the bottom of the page to download and print).
Ask your child the questions on the printable and write down their answers. Then, attach a wallet-sized photo of them from their first day and have them add their signature to the bottom.
Put the printable in a page protector and store it in a 3 ring binder. Each year have them fill out this interview. It will be such a cool keepsake to look back on in the future.

First Day Of School Interview – Free Printable Questionnaire For Kids
6. First Day of School Picture

With all the craziness going on the morning of the first day of school don’t forget to snap a picture of them before they head off. You could even have them hold one of these first day of school boards.
Then, on their last day of school make sure to get a picture of them with the board in the same place. It can be fun to compare their first and last day of school pictures and see how much they grown and changed over the course of one year.
First Day of School Board
7. Measure Height
Measure your child’s height so you can see how much they grow over the school year. If you downloaded my first day of school interview make sure to include their height on the printable.
Wooden Growth Ruler
8. First Day of School Breakfast
Make your child’s favorite breakfast to get them excited about their first day. If your kids are like mine, they’ve gotten used to eating snacks All. Day. Long. over summer break. Making a breakfast that is filling and will hold them over until lunchtime is crucial.
Here are some great breakfast ideas for the first day.
- Breakfast Burritos
- Breakfast Pizza
- French Toast Casserole
- Egg Muffins
- Biscuits and Gravy
9. Lunch Notes

Start a lunch note tradition with your kids. Write a joke or a message for your child to see when they eat their lunch or snack.
Heading back to school or starting school for the first time can be a hard transition. Getting a note from you during the day can be helpful for kids, especially those struggling being separated.
When my oldest started kindergarten I sent a joke with her lunch on the first day. She loved it so much I decided to continue sending one everyday.

My husband thought I would run out of jokes before the end of her first year but I have successfully sent one everyday for two years now and still have plenty more to write.
If you are looking for jokes to send with your child check out my kid lunch jokes post!
240+ FREE Printable Kid Lunch Jokes To Put In Your Child’s Lunchbox For An Entire Year
This Post Is All About First Day of School Traditions To Start With Your Kids
Which of these first day of school traditions are you going to try with your kids? I’d love to hear how your back to school transition goes!
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