Want to know the best winter bucket list ideas for families? These are the top winter activities sure to make your winter feel magical.
Growing up in Wisconsin, I hated the winters. They seemed to last half the year and were cold and miserable. If you are anything like me you may despise winter and yearn for that summer sunshine.
While I am still not a fan of winter, one thing I have learned is that they go by faster and are much more enjoyable when you do the fun things the season has to offer.
I am giving you the best winter bucket list that keeps me motivated and reminded to do the fun things.
It includes winter activities from gingerbread houses and Christmas movies to making paper snowflakes and more.
After reading all the winter bucket list activities you are going to want to start checking off those items right away.
This post is all about the best winter bucket list for your family.
Best Winter Bucket List
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1. Drink Hot Cocoa
On a cold winter day or after spending some time outside in the cold, there is nothing better than snuggling up in a blanket and sipping some hot cocoa. My kids are always asking for hot chocolate the second they walk through the doors after playing outside in the snow.
During the winter months, I like to keep the hot chocolate packets on hand but nothing beats making it homemade with cocoa powder, sugar, milk, and vanilla.
2. Make a Snowman

Put your snow pants, boots, jacket, hat and gloves on and head outside after a fresh packy snowfall. See how big of a snowman you can make. Don’t forget to bring out a scarf, buttons, and a carrot for the nose.
3. Make Cookies

Pick up some winter-themed cookie cutters like these ones and make your favorite roll out cookie dough. After the dough is finished, roll it out and cut out shapes using your cookie cutters.
Bake your cookies and let them cool. Once they’ve cooled set out various frosting colors in bowls, sprinkles and any other candies you want to use for decorating. Cut a sheet of parchment paper for each person and let everyone get to work.
It will be such a fun (and yummy) bonding activity for your family.
Christmas Cookie Cutters
4. Make Snow Angels

Snow angels aren’t just for kids so plop yourself in the snow and make yourself a snow angel. Try not to leave a hand print.
5. Go Ice Skating
Take your kids to the local ice rink and teach them how to ice skate. If you don’t know how to skate yourself, then take a class with them. You are sure to have many laughs as a family.
6. Go Sledding

After a fresh snowfall, pick up some sleds, find a large hill in your area, and take your family sledding.
7. Donate to a Toy Drive
The winter season is a time for giving. If you are able, donate to a toy drive to help make a child’s holiday a little brighter.
8. Have a Snowball Fight

This is SO much fun, especially if you have a competitive family! Break up into teams and start a snowball fight. If you planned to be outside for awhile, wait to do this until right before going in.
I say this because someone is bound to get snow down there jacket, under their gloves, or in their shoes and you do not want to stay outside long with cold fingers or toes.
9. Go Skiing
Take the family on an outing to a ski resort and ski for the day. If anyone in your family doesn’t know how to ski, just look and see when the ski resort offers lessons.
Most places offer classes for skiing and snowboarding for ages all the way down to toddlers.
10. Give Out Candy Canes
Pick up a box of candy canes like this one and hand them out to strangers or leave them on the doorsteps of family, friends, or neighbors. You are sure to put a smile on someone’s face.
Brach’s Mini Candy Cane Tub
11. Do a Secret Santa
Try a secret Santa exchange with your immediate family or involve your extended family if they live close. To play put everyone’s name in a hat and let each person draw out a name.
The name you draw is who you will make/buy gift(s) for. Decide if you are going to do homemade gifts or set a price limit if you are going to be buying gift(s). Have a gathering around Christmas time to exchange the gifts.
12. Hang Decorations
Nothing puts you more in the holiday spirit than hanging holiday decorations. Hang lights, garland, mistletoes, stockings, wreath you name it.
Each year, I look forward to seeing the excitement on my kids’ face when they see us hauling up the holiday totes from the basement. They love helping pick the perfect spot for each decoration, whether it is a new spot or the same spot as last year, hanging decorations together are memories I love and cherish.
Christmas Stockings
13. Gingerbread Houses

Gingerbread houses are the perfect winter bucket list activity for families because it is fun for all ages. Pick up a few pre-made kits or make your own, it is sure to be a great time!
14. Make Ornaments
Get your creative sides on and make some ornaments. Salt dough ornaments are always a hit but you can also try pulling out any crafty supplies such as pinecones, acorns, scrabble letters, ribbons, buttons, photos, popsicle sticks, twine, paint, sticks etc. and see what you all can come up with.
Scrabble Letters for Crafts
Twine String for Crafts
15. Stay in PJ’s All Day
When it is too cold to go outside, stay nice and cozy in your PJ’s the whole day. Snuggle up in a blanket, read a book or watch a movie.
16. New Year’s Resolutions
At some point during the last week of December sit down as a family and come up with New Year’s Resolutions. Each person can make their own and then stick them in an envelope with their name on it.
Keep these envelopes somewhere you will remember. Then each year when you are making your new ones, pull out the year previous to reflect on how you did with your old resolutions.
17. Christmas Movies
Movie night is a great family night idea so put on those PJ’s and grab some blankets and pillows to watch a family-friendly Christmas movie. Here are some of our family’s favorites:
- Elf
- The Grinch
- Noelle
- Santa Clause
- Polar Express
- Home Alone
- The Star
- Santa Paws
- Olaf’s Frozen Adventure
- Jingle All The Way
- A Christmas Carol
{RELATED POST: 7 Insanely Fun Family Movie Night Ideas Your Kids Will Love}
18. Christmas/Winter Books
If you have young kids pull out any Christmas/winter themed books you may have or check some out from the library. It is a great way to get them excited about the season and develop a love for reading. Here is a list of some of our family favorites to read during the winter.
Mo in the Snow
Bear Stays Up for Christmas
{RELATED POST: 49 Best Christmas Books For Kids You Need To Read Aloud This Year}
19. Ugly Sweaters
Find some ugly sweaters for the family to wear. For even more fun throw an ugly sweater Christmas party!
Matching Family Ugly Sweaters
20. Drive to See Holiday Lights
Get the whole family in the car and take a drive around your town looking at all the pretty lights.
21. Listen to Christmas Music
Crank that Christmas music and sing along. In our house we leave the music channel on during the day as background noise so I love switching it over to the Christmas channel during the winter months.
22. Pick Out a Christmas Tree
It can be so fun going to your local Christmas tree farm as a family and picking out your tree. Make sure to take measurements before you leave and bring that tape measure with you.
23. Host/Attend a Football Party
The winter season is filled with football. If you are a fan then plan or attend a party. If you host one, let everyone in the family invite some friends over. This way it is sure to be enjoyable for everyone!
24. Homemade Soups
During the cold winter months there is nothing better than sitting down to a hot, homemade soup for dinner. Try making one of these soups this winter.
- Chicken Wild Rice Soup
- Tortellini Soup
- Broccoli Cheese Soup
- Chicken Tortilla Soup
- Chili
- Creamy Ham Potato Soup
25. Make an Igloo
When the snow is really packy bundle yourselves up, head outside and try to make an igloo. See how high you can get the sides of the fort. Even if you’re unable to make a complete igloo, it will make a great wall for protection during a snowball fight.
26. Catch Snowflakes

You are never too old to catch snowflakes. Catch them on your tongue or place your hand out and see how many land on it. It’s amazing that no two snowflakes are the same, try to spot the differences before they melt.
27. Go Snow Tubing
Find a local hill or go to a ski resort to take the family snow tubing. It is an activity that all ages will laugh and enjoy.
28. Make a Blanket Fort
Let your inner kid come out and build a blanket fort with your kids. Get out bed sheets, blankets, pillows, chairs, or anything you can use to make your fort epic.
When it is finished play a board game in it or read some winter books. You all will enjoy the time spent together.
29. Write Santa a Letter
Have your kids write a letter to Santa. It will get them so excited for Christmas and feel so magical for them.
I recommend doing this a couple weeks before Christmas. This way, Santa has enough time to get them a present but it’s not too far out that they will change their minds.
{RELATED POST: 5 Adorable Free Printable Letters To Santa Claus}
30. Random Acts of Kindness
You never know the impact a simple gesture can have on someone else. Make an effort this winter to do random acts of kindness. Here is a list of some random acts of kindness your family can do:
- Let someone go in front of you in line
- Compliment a stranger
- Pay for the person behind you (coffee shop, movie theater, bookstore, bus ticket)
- Donate
- Shovel a neighbor’s driveway
- Pay for a stranger’s library fees
- Leave your waiter/waitress a generous tip
- Put a positive note in a library book
- Pick up litter
31. Send Out Holiday Cards
Get some family pictures done or take some yourself to put on some holiday cards. Your friends and family will love seeing pictures of your family and knowing you all are thinking of them during the holiday season.
To add a special touch write a personalized note to put in each card.
32. Play Charades

Charades is the perfect family game, especially when it is too cold to go outside. Get out some paper, a pen and a jar to draw from and play a winter-themed charades game.
{RELATED POST: 150+ Family Charades Ideas That Will Leave You Laughing Uncontrollably}
33. Volunteer
Add volunteering to your family’s winter bucket list. Here are some ideas and places perfect for families to volunteer at.
- Animal shelter
- Collect items for a clothing, toy, or food drive
- Soup Kitchen
- Picking up litter
34. Make Paper Snowflakes
Paper snowflakes are so easy and fun to make
- Using a square sheet of paper, fold it in half diagonally so that you have a triangle.
- Fold the triangle in half so that you are left with a smaller triangle
- Divide the triangle into thirds using a protractor and pencil
- Fold the left triangle towards the middle followed by the right triangle towards the middle
- Flip the paper over and cut along the horizontal edge (you will be cutting off the two small triangles and left with one large triangle)
- Keeping the triangular shaped paper together, cut random shapes out along the edge.
- Carefully unfold the paper to reveal your master piece.
Hang your family’s snowflakes in the windows around your house, they make the perfect winter decorations.
35. Snowshoeing
Pick up some snowshoes or find some at a local rental store and try snowshoeing as a family this winter. It is a great way to get outside and go for a walk during the cold months.
For some added fun, try completing a winter scavenger hunt while you are out.
Feel free to download my free winter bucket list with 35 fun winter family activities below. If you would rather make your own family winter bucket list you can download my blank template and write in your own activities!
Free Printable Winter Bucket List
Here is the free printable for you to download and print.

Blank Winter Bucket List
If you would rather create your own family winter bucket list feel free to download my printable below.
This Post Was All About The Best Winter Bucket List Activities For Your Family.
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