Check out this summer bucket list for families. It is filled with family-friendly activities you’ll want to try.

Bucket lists are a great way to make the most of life. Just writing down all the fun things you want to do and seeing that list encourages you to actually do them.
This is why I love using them with my family. With how busy life can get sometimes quality family time can get put on the back burner. Having a bucket list hung up makes us all put a conscious effort in doing all the fun things together and making wonderful memories in the process.
This is why I have created and am sharing with you this summer bucket list for families to make this summer one to remember. On this summer bucket list for families you will find summer activities like root beer floats, a trip to the beach, visiting the farmer’s market and so many more.
After completing your summer bucket list you will be left with so many great family memories, you will not regret it.
This post is all about starting a summer bucket list for families.
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1. Bonfire & S’mores

Sit around a bonfire as a family and enjoy the relaxing time together. Don’t forget to pick up some graham crackers, marshmallows, and chocolate to make s’mores.
If you have young kids you may want to get some extra long s’mores sticks like these so your kids aren’t up close to the fire while they are roasting their marshmallows. These sticks extend to 45 inches and also have different colored handles so everyone knows whose stick is whose.
Marshmallow Roasting Sticks
2. Farmer’s Market
Check your area and find a local farmer’s market. Every farmer’s market opens on different days so see what day of the week and time they set up and check it out as a family.
It is a great summer family activity picking out fresh produce while also supporting local farmers.
3. Catch Fireflies

Catching fireflies is something I think everyone should do at least once in their lifetime. Get out some clear jars and lids like these and wait until dark. Then, head outside as a family and see if you can catch any fireflies. Don’t forget to release them when you’re done!
Last summer on the 4th of July my kids were up past dark waiting for the fireworks. Because they aren’t usually up that late, we decided to try and catch fireflies while we waited.
I wasn’t sure if they would be able to catch any because they were only 4 and 6 but they both were able to catch a bunch. We went out at dusk, when you could still see the light flash of the fireflies but could also see the bug itself which made it much easier for them.
Clear Plastic Jars
4. Picnic
Pack some food, drinks and a blanket and then head to a park for a picnic as a family. Here is a list of some great picnic food that doesn’t need to stay cold.
- Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches
- Tuna Packets
- Jerky
- Bananas
- Apples
- Clementines
- Grapes
- Mini Cucumbers
- Snap Peas
- Cherry Tomatoes
- Nuts/Seeds
5. Zoo Trip

Plan a trip to the zoo this summer. There are so many animals and things to see at the zoo it makes for a great bonding experience with your kids.
Don’t forget to bring your camera to take pictures of this memorable day.
{RELATED POST: Zoo Trip Packing List You Must See Before Taking A Family Trip To The Zoo}
6. Bike Ride
Pick a nice day and take a family bike ride. You could even ride to your local ice cream shop for a yummy treat. It will be a great way to get outside while spending time together as a family.
If your child doesn’t know how to ride a bike yet, then spend some quality time teaching them this life skill.
7. Go to the Park
Plan a day and spend it at the park together. You could bring a ball and play a game of kickball or maybe practice one of your child’s sports with them such as soccer, baseball/softball, volleyball, lacrosse etc.
You and your child(ren) will both love spending this quality time together.
8. Movie Night

Get into your pajamas, make a comfy spot with pillows and blankets and watch a movie together as a family. Don’t forget the movie night snacks such as popcorn, pretzels, nachos, or chips.
If you have a projector, summer is a great time for an outdoor movie night.
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9. Go to a Fair
Summer brings fairs to towns all over the country so check out when your local fair will be and take the family. Go on rides, play games and try out the fair food together. It is guaranteed to be a fun day with so many laughs and memories made.
Again, don’t forget to take some pictures to look back on in years to come.
10. Watch a Parade
Do you have a 4th of July parade in your area or any other parades during the summer? If so, take your kids. They will love watching the floats and bands march past.
11. Game Night

Have a family game night and play some board or card games together. Uno Attack is a huge hit in our house. Even our two year old loves to “play” this game because she gets to hit the button when it’s her turn.
Uno Attack
Family Charades
{RELATED POST: 31 Top Family Board Games For Your Next Family Game Night}
12. Sign Up for a Summer Reading Program

Encourage your kids to read over the summer with a summer reading program. Most libraries offer some sort of incentive program for kids and adults to read over the summer. This is a great time to take them to your local library and sign up.
Then, make sure to spend the next rainy afternoon reading together.
13. Make Lemonade
Make some homemade lemonade using lemons, sugar and water. Squeeze your lemons by hand or use a lemon squeezer like this. When you’re finished, sit outside and enjoy your glasses of lemonade together.
If your kids are young you could even help them set up a lemonade stand.
14. Beach Trip

Pick a sunny day, pack up and take a trip to the beach. Whether you and your kids love swimming in the water, playing in the sand, reading on the shore, or collecting shells there are so many ways to enjoy that summer sunshine at the beach.
Don’t forget to pack the sunscreen!
{RELATED POST: 33 Beach Day Essentials Your Family Does Not Want To Forget}
15. Watch Fireworks
The fourth of July is a great time to watch fireworks in the summer. Take your kids to a fireworks show and watch the beautiful display in the sky!
16. Road trip
Plan a road trip this summer with your kids. Explore a new state or city. Whether you decide to go across the country or just an hour away, it doesn’t have to be an extravagant trip to be fun and full of memories.
{RELATED POST: Road Trip Scavenger Hunt For Kids Free Printable}
17. Go Fishing
Get your fishing license and take your kids fishing this summer. Go on a boat or fish from shore either way can be a fun way to bond.
Teach them any tips or tricks you know about fishing. If you yourself don’t know much about fishing then learn together!
If you catch any big ones make sure to keep them so you can fillet and cook them for dinner.
18. Ice Cream

Who doesn’t love ice cream?! Head to your favorite ice cream shop or try out a new one! You and your kids will both love this summer bucket list item.
19. Water Fight
Get some water balloons or water blasters like these and have a family water fight on a hot summer day. If you pick up water balloons, check out these awesome quick fill ones.
These water balloons are seriously so easy to fill up, I wish they would’ve had these when I was growing up. Not only is it fast because it fills multiple at a time, the best part is you don’t have to individually tie them because they tie themselves when they snap off.
Water Balloons
Water Blaster Set
20. Go for a Walk
Take a family walk around the neighborhood or go for a hike. The time spent outdoors as a family can be so refreshing.
For some added fun try an outdoor scavenger hunt on your next walk or hike.
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21. Watch a Sunrise
At least one day over the summer have everybody get up early. If you live near the beach try watching the sunrise there. If not, you could make and eat breakfast on your porch or patio while you watch the sunrise together.
I still remember the day my sister and I begged my parents to take us to the beach to watch the sunrise.
I don’t so much remember what the sunrise looked like other than it being beautiful. What I do remember though is how happy I felt when my Dad agreed to it and woke us up the next morning.
22. Watch a Sunset
Same goes with a sunset. At least one day this summer trying watching the sunset together as a family. If your kids normally go to bed before the sun sets try letting them stay up one night to watch.
They will be so excited to stay up past their bed time. You could always have a campfire and make s’mores while you wait for the sun to set. Then, you can check off two items from your summer bucket list for families!
23. Root beer Floats
Pick up a pail of vanilla ice cream and a bottle of Root beer to make some yummy root beer floats on a hot summer day!
24. Go Camping
Make some memories by going on a family camping trip. I have so many fond memories of camping as a child. It was one of my favorite things to do.
We used to camp whenever we would travel for my sister and I’s softball tournaments. The excitement of sleeping outside, having campfires, eating foods we didn’t normally eat and playing games was so much fun for me. I hope when my kids get a little older we can take camping trips and they will enjoy it as much as I did growing up.
Camping can be tough though when kids are young. Not knowing if they will sleep well outside or away from home. You could always just pitch a tent and camp in the backyard, in case they don’t make it the whole night!
Either way, you and your children will love this time spent together!

If you would like to create your own summer bucket list feel free to download my blank summer bucket list for families template below. Then, fill it in with the summer activities you and your family want to do this season.

This Post Was All About A Fun Summer Bucket List For Families.
What was your favorite summer bucket list item? I’d love to hear about the fun your family has this summer!
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