Free Printable Screen Time Checklist For Summer Break

Are you looking for a screen time checklist for your kids this summer? If so, check out these printable screen time rules. School is out…

Are you looking for a screen time checklist for your kids this summer? If so, check out these printable screen time rules.

screen time checklist

School is out and summer break has officially started for my girls. Minus a few trips to the beach and pool, they relatively spent the first couple of weeks not doing a whole lot. I was pretty lax in allowing a lot of screen time, not making them get ready in the morning, or even picking up their rooms.

However, after a couple of weeks of this, I was ready to get some structure back into our days. This is why I created and am sharing a screen time checklist for summer break.

On this printable screen time checklist you’ll find items such as getting dressed, brushing your teeth, doing a chore, reading, and more!

After implementing this screen time checklist you’ll see a mutual understanding with your child of what needs to be done before they ask for screen time.

This post is all about a screen time checklist.

Screen Time Checklist

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Before implementing this screen time checklist with my kids, I constantly dealt with backlash whenever I asked them to pick up their room or help with chores around the house. It was a constant battle!

Although it has only been a couple of weeks, this checklist is working great for our family. It has helped establish a mutual understanding regarding screens between us and our kids. Our kids now know what is expected of them and are eager to complete their lists first thing in the morning without me having to nag.

Suggested Daily Tasks

On the list there are some suggested daily tasks for kids to do before getting screen time. If you don’t want the ones included you can print out the blank version and write in the tasks you would like your kids to complete.

Some tasks included on the printables are:

  • Getting Dressed
  • Brushing Teeth
  • Brushing Hair
  • Making Their Bed
  • Reading for 20 Minutes
  • Doing a Chore
  • Playing Outside
  • Cleaning Their Room
  • Writing or Drawing for 15 Minutes
  • Doing Math, Games, or Puzzles for 15 Minutes

As you can see, I included some basic tasks of getting ready like getting dressed and brushing hair and teeth. I did this because, in the summertime, my kids would totally “forget” if I didn’t remind them to.

Two Versions of Screen Time Rules

I created two different versions of this checklist for you to choose from. I also have the blank templates for both in case you’d rather write in your own screen time rules.

1. Version 1

screen time chart for kids

The first version is a checklist for Monday through Friday. I recommend printing one out for each week of the summer. Then, each day of the week they can check the box off as they complete the tasks.

2. Version 2

screen time check

The second version of the screen time checklist is meant to be reused each day. I recommend placing the printable in a dry-erase pocket sleeve like this and using a dry-erase marker to check off the daily tasks. Then, erase it the next morning and start again.

Dry Erase Pocket Sleeve

Buy On Amazon

Dry Erase Marker

Buy On Amazon

You could also laminate it and write with a wet-erase marker.

Printable Summer Screen Time Checklist

Download and print off one of these free printable screen time checklists. Then, hang it up somewhere your child can easily see such as the refrigerator. With this printable, you’ll also find the blank versions in case you’d rather write in your own tasks.

screen time chart

After School Screen Time Checklist

I also decided to make an after-school checklist for when the school year starts up again. If you’d like to continue with the screen time checklist after summer break is over then feel free to download and print my after-school screen time rules printable.

screen time chore chart

I hope this helps!

This Post Was All About A Screen Time Checklist.

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