Are you looking for Mother Daughter Journal Prompts? These are the best written conversation starters for you and your daughter.

Starting a mother daughter journal can be a great opportunity for you and your daughter to bond. Not only that but it will open another line of communication for her to talk to you if she ever feels uncomfortable talking face-to-face.
As a mom of three girls, I have compiled a list of over 200 Mother Daughter Journal prompts to help get you and your daughter started with your journal.
The majority of these Mother Daughter journal prompts are fun and light and can help you and your daughter get to know each other better.
This post is all about mother daughter journal prompts.
Mother Daughter Journal Prompts
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What You Need
To get started all you need is a journal and a pen. This is the journal my daughters and I use but you can use any journal you like best. You can even use an extra notebook at home or download my printable below and stick it in a 3-ring binder.
Lined Journal Notebook
Paper Mate Flair Pens
Once you have your journal you are ready to get started and use these mother daughter journal prompts!
{RELATED POST: How To Start A Mother Daughter Journal To Strengthen Your Connection}
I’ve broken these mother daughter journal prompts up into the following categories: favorites, this or that, open-ended, yes or no, and seasonal questions.
Mother Daughter Journal Prompts – Favorites

- Color
- Sport
- Meal
- Board game
- Card game
- Video game
- Book
- Show
- Movie
- Genre of music
- Holiday
- Restaurant
- Disney character
- Outfit
- Candy
- Day of the week
- Animal
- Dessert
- Smell
- Hobby
- Ice cream flavor
- Breakfast food
- Family tradition
- Flower
- Sports team
- Musician/band
- Celebrity
- Store
- Magical creature
- Gum flavor
Mother Daughter Journal Prompts – This or That

- Shower or Bath
- Silly or Serious
- Beach or Mountains
- Summer or Winter
- Shorts or Pants
- Reading or Writing
- Art or Music
- Inside or Outside
- Hotel or Camping
- Country or City
- Have a plan or Go with the flow
- Boat ride or Train ride
- Cats or Dogs
- Sunrise or Sunset
- Early bird or Night owl
- Sweet or Salty
- Fiction or Non-Fiction
- Pancakes or Waffles
- Markers or Crayons
- Hungry or Tired
- Brownies or Cookies
- Watching TV or Listening to music
- Mini golf or Bumper cars
- Burgers or Hotdogs
- Fuzzy socks or Slippers
- Ice skates or Roller blades
- Snowman or Sand castle
- Have lots of friends or One best friend
- Rule follower or Rebel
- Tidy or Messy
Open Ended Mother-Daughter Journal Prompts

Open Ended Questions #1-16
1. What does your perfect day look like?
2. If you could change something about this world what would it be?
3. What do you love most about yourself?
4. If you could be an expert at something what would you want it to be?
5. What do you want to be when you grow up?
6. If you could decide how many days of school/work you had a week how many days would you choose?
7. What makes you feel happy?
8. What makes you feel loved?
9. What is a fear of yours?
10. What is something that annoys you?
11. If you had to be an animal which would you be and why?
12. If you made the rules in the house what would be the first rule you’d make or change?
13. If you could have a super power what would it be?
14. What was the best part of your day?
15. What was the worst part of your day?
16. What are three words that describe you?

Open Ended Questions #17-34
17. What do you do when something is challenging?
18. What would you like to learn how to do?
19. What makes you a good friend?
20. When was the last time you felt sad?
21. When was the last time you felt excited?
22. Have you ever stood up for a friend?
23. What do we have in common?
24. What do you and Dad have in common?
25. How are you and I different?
26. How are you and Dad different?
27. Where do you think you will live when you’re an adult?
28. What food do you find the grossest?
29. What is a funny joke you know?
30. If you could create an invention what would it be for?
31. If you had a time machine would you go back in time or to the future and what year would it be?
32. Make one prediction for the future.
33. What do you like to do when you’re bored?
34. What made you laugh today?

Open Ended Questions #35-49
35. What is one thing about you that you don’t think I know?
36. Name a memory that makes you happy.
37. Design a t-shirt.
38. If you opened your own restaurant what kind of foods would be on the menu?
39. What would you do with a million dollars?
40. What are some things you enjoy doing with your mom/daughter?
41. What accomplishment are you most proud of yourself for?
42. What are some things you want to do with your mom/daughter?
43. If you could plan the next family adventure where would it be?
44. What do you love most about our family?
45. What is one food/meal you would like to learn how to cook?
46. Name a time you didn’t make a good choice and what did you learn from it?
47. What’s the hardest part about being a child/parent?
48. Name your biggest worry.
49. If you had to move and could only bring three items what would you bring?

Open Ended Questions #50-64
50. If you had to choose your age and be that age forever what age would you be?
51. What do you think the best part about being an adult/child is?
52. What do grown-ups/kids always say?
53. If we couldn’t use electricity anymore what would you miss the most?
54. What is a weird dream you’ve had?
55. How long does it take you to fall asleep?
56. What would be the worst animal to have as a pet?
57. How many states have you been to?
58. Would you ever want to be famous? If so, what for?
59. What is something against the rules that you want to do?
60. What animal have you never seen but would love to see?
61. What is one animal you would not want to see in the wild?
62. Where are 3 places in the world you want to go?
63. What are 3 things in the world you want to see?
64. What was the best part of your week?

Open Ended Questions #65-81
65. What should our next mother-daughter date be?
66. What is something you find hard to talk about?
67. What is one thing you never want to do again?
68. If you could win an Olympic medal what would you want it to be for?
69. If you were the last person on Earth what would you do?
70. If you had to be someone else for the day who would you be?
71. How are your mom and dad different?
72. How are your mom and dad similar?
73. What compliments make you feel good about yourself?
74. What is one thing you learned today?
75. What challenged you today?
76. What’s a slang word kids use today/when you were a kid?
77. If you discovered a new animal what would you name it?
78. If you discovered a new planet what would you name it?
79. What do you think is the hardest job?
80. What do you think is the easiest job?
81. What is a nice thing someone has done for you?

Open Ended Questions #82-90
82. What’s a book you enjoy reading over and over again?
83. If you could change your name would you? If yes, what would you change it to?
84. What are 3 things you love about your mom/ daughter?
85. If you ever found yourself in a tough situation who would be the first person you’d call?
86. What is your most prized possession?
87. Who is your closest friend right now?
88. When was the last time you felt pressured?
89. Can you name a time you stepped out of your comfort zone?
90. What volunteer or community service opportunity would interest you?
Mother Daughter Journal Prompts – Yes or No Questions

- Is there life on other planets?
- Do you believe in ghosts?
- Do you believe in Bigfoot?
- Does mountain climbing sound fun to you?
- Do you think there are animals that humans have never seen or discovered?
- Do you want your ears pierced?
- Do you want a tattoo when you grow up?
- Do you want to get married when you grow up?
- Do you want pets when you become an adult? If so, what kind?
- Do you want kids when you grow up? How many do you think you want?
- Do you want to learn an instrument?
- Do you have a lucky number? If so what number?
- Do you ever want to bungee jump?
- Do you want to skydive?
- Do you want to be famous?
- Would you ever do a polar plunge?
- Do you believe in karma?
- If you could live forever would you?
- Do you have any collections?
- Do you have any scars?
Seasonal Prompts

Spring Journal Prompts
- What is one thing you want to do over spring break?
- If we planted a garden what would you want to grow?
- What do you look forward to most in the spring?
- How do you spend a rainy day?
- Have you ever played an April Fools’ Day joke on someone?
- Name 3 things that make you think of Spring.
- What is something we can do together for Earth Day?
- Do you enjoy family picnics? If so, plan one! What would you bring?
- Describe the last time you saw a rainbow.
- Which is better chocolate bunnies or jelly beans?
Summer Journal Prompts
- What is one thing you want to do this summer?
- What do you look forward to most in the summertime?
- What is your favorite summer memory?
- Do you prefer to be inside or outside in the summer?
- If you could go anywhere on summer vacation where would you go?
- What is your favorite 4th of July memory?
- When you think of summer what 5 things come to mind?
- Do you prefer root beer floats or lemonade?
- What foods make you think of summer?
- Would you rather swim in a pool or swim in the ocean?

Fall Journal Prompts
- Do you have a favorite Halloween memory?
- What is your favorite Thanksgiving memory?
- What is one thing you want to do this Fall?
- What are 3 things you are grateful for?
- What are your favorite Thanksgiving foods?
- What do you look forward to the most in the fall?
- When you think of Fall what 3 things come to mind?
- Would you rather spend the day at the pumpkin patch or spend the day carving pumpkins?
- Do you prefer drinking apple cider or hot chocolate?
- Would you rather go trick or treating or attend a Halloween party?
Winter Journal Prompts
- Do you have a favorite Christmas memory?
- What is one thing you want to do this winter?
- What is one goal you have for yourself this year?
- Do you have a favorite winter story/movie?
- Do you prefer to be outside or be indoors in the winter?
- What do you look forward to the most in the wintertime?
- What is your favorite winter song?
- Describe winter using the five senses.
- Would you rather it be sunny and warm in the winter or cold and snowy?
- Would you rather spend a day ice skating or sledding?
Extra Questions You Can Ask Your Daughter
These are some great questions to ask instead of “How was your day?”.
- Did you raise your hand at school today? If so what for?
- What did you play at recess today?
- Who did you sit by at lunch?
- If you could have any kind of birthday party what kind would you have?
- Did you give or receive a compliment today?
- Who are three people you talked to at school today?
- Was anyone in your class gone today?
- If you could switch seats with anyone in class who would it be?
- What new fact did you learn today?
- Who had the yummiest-looking lunch today? What did they have?
- Did anything funny happen today?
- Who do you want to become friends with but haven’t yet?
- Did you solve any problems today?
- What was the most boring part of your day?
- What did you have for specials class today?
- Which is your favorite specials class? (music, art, PE, etc.)
- When you’re on summer break what do you miss most about school?
- Who is your favorite teacher?
- What is your favorite school subject?
Free Printable Journal Prompts
Here are the mother-daughter journal prompts for you to download and print. Keep them in your journal for you and your daughter to pick from as you pass the journal back and forth.
Full Size
This full-size version is great if you are using a 3-ring binder. Just slide the mother daughter journal prompts in some page protectors like these at the back of your journal.

Smaller Size

This printable is smaller and has two per page so they work great if you use a journal. I just trimmed the border down a bit and taped them into the back pages of the journals my daughters and I use. That way we both can see the journal prompts and can pick a question to ask the other when we are writing to each other.
Printer Friendly Journal Prompts
If you are looking for a more printer-friendly version here it is!

Printer Friendly Smaller Version
Here is the smaller version of the printer-friendly option. There are two per page so they can be cut out and placed in a journal.
Additional Mother Daughter Journal Printables
If you want to make your own Mother-Daughter Journal using a 3-ring binder feel free to download these printables below!

I hope these mother-daughter journal prompts help get you guys started on your journaling journey!
Lined Journal Notebook
Paper Mate Flair Pens
This post was all about Mother Daughter Journal Prompts.
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