7 Insanely Fun Family Movie Night Ideas Your Kids Will Love

Want to try some family movie night ideas sure to bring your movie night to the next level? These are some insanely fun ideas your…

Want to try some family movie night ideas sure to bring your movie night to the next level? These are some insanely fun ideas your kids are sure to love.

family movie night ideas

Movie night is such a fun, relaxing way to spend your night bonding as a family. If you’re anything like me, the idea of taking young kids to a movie theater for movie night sounds anything but relaxing. As a mom of three young kiddos, I am giving you fun family movie night ideas that will give your movie night at home, the movie theater experience.

You are going to learn all about fun family movie night ideas from free printable movie tickets to making the perfect movie night snacks and more.

After you learn about these home movie night ideas and download your free printables, you are sure to have a memorable family movie night in the comfort of your home.

This post is all about family movie night ideas that you and your family are sure to love. 

Fun Family Movie Night Ideas

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1. Movie Night Tickets

family movie night 2022

I don’t know what it is about movie night tickets but my kids LOVE them. It is such a simple idea but they get so much enjoyment out of handing them out and then collecting them right before the movie starts.

You could either have your kids decorate movie night tickets or print off my free movie night tickets printable.

If your kids love doing arts and crafts then have them decorate their own movie tickets. They could design them based on the theme of the movie you’re going to watch.

This would give your kids an activity to do during the course of the week leading up to movie night. It would also get them more excited for your time spent together as a family.

If you would rather just have a set of movie tickets that you can reuse each movie night, then you can download these free movie night tickets below. If you have young children, you may want to laminate these tickets to get more use out of them.

Family Movie Night Tickets


2. Movie Night Snacks

family movie night netflix

You can’t go to the movie theater without hitting up the concession stands so add movie night snacks to your family movie night ideas! Anytime an out of the ordinary treat is involved, it undoubtedly makes it 10x better.

You can make your own concession stand at home with things like water, soda, juice, nachos, soft pretzels, chips, candy boxes (raisinets or cookie dough bites) and popcorn.

Cookie Dough Bites

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Use a poster board or tape some sheets of paper together to make a sign. On your sign, list out all of your concession stand items.

When it comes to popcorn, it is an absolute MUST for movie night (okay not really, but it does make it so much better).

The best way to make popcorn is getting the popcorn kernels like these and popping your own on the stove. Not only does it taste SO much better than microwavable popcorn, but you can add your own flavor. Getting a variety pack of popcorn seasonings like this allows everyone to season their own popcorn just the way they like it!

If you want to go all out, you could even pick up some super cute popcorn boxes like these.

Movie Night Popcorn Boxes

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Popcorn Seasonings

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If you have younger kids and are looking for more toddler-friendly snacks, I highly recommend Pirate’s booty.

It is a cheese puff snack that looks just like popcorn. They don’t have the hard kernels that pieces of popcorn do, making them much easier for young kiddos to chew and enjoy!

You could also get applesauce pouches, goldfish, veggie straws or pretzels as movie night snacks for your littles.

To add even more family fun, you could work together to turn some old cardboard boxes into an actual concession stand where you can give out the snacks.

If you pick up some small organizer bins from the dollar store then everyone can have a container to hold all of their individual snacks during the movie.

3. Movie Money

family movie night dinner ideas

Have the kids earn movie money during the week leading up to movie night. You can download this free movie money printable below that you can cut out. Again, if you have young kids laminating the movie money will help them last longer.

Choose which things you want to give the money out for, whether it be chores around the house, extra helpful things they have done, or acts of kindness.

Whatever money your kids earn they can spend at the concession stand on movie night! Make sure to set different prices for the concession stand items and add the prices to your concession stand sign.

This is not only great math practice for the younger kids but also teaches them about the concept of money in a fun (and tasty) way.

family movie night 2022


4. Outdoor Movie Night

If your family already loves movie night, then investing in a movie projector and taking the movie outside might be a fun idea for you. There are so many different movie projectors you can choose from depending on your budget.

When it comes to actually viewing the movie, you can either get a projection screen like this or just hang up a large white sheet.

Portable Home Projector

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Outdoor Movie Screen

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For seating bring out any folding chairs or lawn chairs you may have. You could set up a tent to view the movie from or blow up a small kiddie pool and fill it with pillows and blankets.

If you don’t have any of these, no worries! Blankets and pillows on the ground will do just the trick. It does not have to be Pinterest perfect to be fun.

Regardless of the movie setup you have, bringing movie night outdoors on a warm, summer evening is sure to be a hit by the entire family.

Don’t be surprised if your kids start asking to have friends over for these fun outdoor movies!!

5. Choosing the Movie

family movie night ideas 2022

Deciding on a movie that the entire family enjoys or wants to see is the most challenging part of movie night in our house. Either everyone is indecisive or each person wants a different movie.

A fun and easy solution to this problem is to draw out of a hat or jar. First, come up with a list of movies everyone can agree on or have everyone pick out a couple movies they want to see.

It helps to browse through Disney + or Netflix to give you some ideas.

Once you’ve come up with your movie choices download this free printable below and write all of your family’s movie options in the boxes.

family movie night gift basket


Now cut them out, fold them up and draw your next movie for movie night! With this fun family movie night idea, everyone’s movie is in the hat and has the same chances of being drawn.

After a movie has been watched toss the paper out and save the others so you can draw from the hat on the next movie night. Eventually, everyone’s choices will be watched and you’ll never struggle trying to decide on a movie.

{RELATED POST: Best Family Movie Night Printable To Settle The Debate Of Which Movie To Watch}

Bonus Fun:

Got an old VHS player and some VHS tapes stored in the attic? Try pulling them out and watching one as a family. Your kids can see just how far movies have come in the last few decades and you can get a blast from the past.

6. Movie Night Jobs

Children love to feel helpful, so let your kids be a part of the movie night preparation. Give each child their own special job so they can contribute to your fun family movie night.

Regardless of your children’s ages or how many you have, there is a job for everyone.

Whether it be making movie night tickets and decorations, designing and working the concession stand, handing out and collecting tickets, or even just drawing out the movie to watch, everyone can help!

Having everyone participate and work together in the movie night preparations makes it fun for all and brings everyone a bit closer.

7. Transform Your Living Room

family movie night ideas netflix

The best part about having a movie night at home is how comfortable you can be. Time to get into your pajamas and make your living room movie night ready!

Get out ALL things soft and comfy such as blankets, pillows, nugget couches, squishmallows, and sleeping bags.

To add a special touch to your living room, you can add some fun movie night decorations to give it a more movie theater feel. Get a now showing sign like this one or decorate and make your own!

It’s now finally time to sit down, relax, put the phones away and enjoy your beautiful night together as a family!

Movie Night Chalkboard

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Movie Film Clapboard

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This post was all about fun family movie night ideas to make your movie night at home even more memorable.

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